Stock Exchange and Market Analysis
Technical Analysis (16)
Basically, the difference between the highest price and the opening price represents the strength of the buyer on the day and the strength of the stock price , and the difference between the opening price and the lowest price shows the seller's power to lower the stock price . So when the AR approaches 100% , it means trading momentum fairly , and in 80% to 120% of the time between , said the two sides are in the consolidation see-saw stage . If the AR Chaoguo 120% represents a buying active , stock prices strong rise , to 150% or more , then entered the overbought area , to Note you may start at any time of retreated . Conversely, if AR is less than 80% indicates a low popularity , the stock retreated vulnerable . to 50% or less , then entered the oversold zone ,You can always pay attention to the timing of the opportunity to enter the market . Since AR has the index characteristic of the leading stock price reaching the peak or the bottom , once it deviates from the stock price trend , it is the signal of rebound or back . Today let us import the Excel according to the mathematical formula of AR :
DH t : first t highest price and the opening price of the day spread
DH t = H t - O t
O t = opening price on the day t
H t = the highest price on the day t
DL t : first t the opening price and the lowest of the day spread
DL t = O t - L t
L t = the lowest price on the day t
AR nt : n- day trading momentum indicator on the day t
ARnt = ( DHt + DHt-1 + … + DHt-n+1 ) / ( DLt + DLt-1 + … + DLt-n+1 )
Momentum trading indicators AR of n values generally 26 is the optimum value , corresponding to the strength of the stock momentum month . While the foregoing is a general rule out of stock , but due to the different properties of the stock , better still have to observe the subject matter of at least one year the above trends and then control the stock specifications make appropriate correction is appropriate . Finally, to utilize the convenience of the reader AR index , I still Makalot modeled (Template), continued to produce Excel analysis sample formats for the reader :
In addition to this sample " historical stock price " provides spreadsheet AR reference index outside , and the second spreadsheet provides the candlestick graph , volume and AR trend line for reference . If readers find any mistakes, please don't hesitate to correct me . Thank you !In addition , the author made spreadsheet for various indicators (moving average , RSI, BIAS, stochastic KD line, William indicator , MACD, CDP and Bollinger band) for stock analysis , and further produced candlestick charts and other technical indicators on the same chart , interested readers can refer to Ref.1.
Reference (Ref):
1. Investment Financial Notes - Stock Technical Analysis
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